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Our high standards of patient care and expertise have again been recognised by the United Kingdom Accreditation Service.

It has confirmed our accreditation for the third year running.

Accreditation is a continuous process and maintaining these high standards is testament to our commitment to clinical quality in audiology and demonstrates our focus on patient care.

We won accreditation to the Improving Quality in Physiological Services (IQIPS) standard for our adult audiology services. We have maintained this following a review of our services and practices earlier this year.

High clinical standards

Our managing director Mark Scutchings said: “All of the Hearbase team has worked hard to ensure the quality and safety  of our service. I am proud that we have succeeded in maintaining our accreditation. This is recognition of our efforts and an assurance of our high clinical standards for our patients.”

Nationally recognised award

IQIPS is a nationally recognised and prestigious award and a professionally respected sign of quality. To gain accreditation we had to display a level of standards, safety and quality that set us apart from many other audiology providers, including some of the larger retailers on the high street, many times our size.

For our patients it means you are seeing the best. Improving the standard of patient care is the whole purpose of IQIPS.