Audio Service/Signia Click sleeve XS closed (Pack of 6)


6-pack of Audio Service/Signia Click sleeve XS closed for Hearbase Elite hearing aids. Keep you hearing aids in top working condition by changing the dome tips regularly.

These domes are supplied as Audio Service/Signia ‘like for like’ replacements. Please refer all questions as to suitability to your hearing aid audiologist or email us.

SKU: SICSCXS Categories: ,

Domes are pre-sized, disposable tips that are placed on the hearing aid’s speaker unit to give a comfortable fit in the ear. They are typically made of a soft silicone material. They should not be cleaned. When you need a fresh, clean dome, remove the existing one and put on a fresh one.

6-pack of Audio Service/Signia Click sleeve XS closed for Hearbase Elite hearing aids. Keep you hearing aids in top working condition by changing the dome tips regularly.

These domes are supplied as Audio Service/Signia ‘like for like’ replacements. Please refer all questions as to suitability to your hearing aid audiologist or email us.