Thilini Manjula, who is from Sri Lanka, has joined us as our new NHS audiologist.

She started her professional life as audiologist in 2014 and completed her Bachelor of Science, Speech and Hearing Sciences degree, specialising in audiology, at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka.

“During my four-year degree programme I was trained in different clinical settings to treat patients with hearing and balance problems,” Thilini said.

Clinical supervisor

“After completing one year as audiologist in one of the leading hearing health care companies, I was upgraded as audiologist in charge of 17 island branches of the company.”

After qualifying as an audiologist, Thilini worked as clinical supervisor for undergraduate audiology students in the faculty of medicine at the University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka for five years.

“At the same time I was fortunate enough to share my knowledge and experience with university students as a visiting lecturer. In 2019 I joined as a lecturer in audiology at the Department of Inclusive Education at the National Institute of Sri Lanka. My duties included training diverse professionals who were working with children with special needs.”

The best care

Thilini has wide audiology experience, including hearing assessments for people of all ages, cochlear implant assessments for children, fitting, re-programming and trouble-shooting hearing aids and community-based programmes.

She said: “I love to work as an audiologist and to play different roles. I hope to start my higher studies in the field of audiology. In Sri Lanka currently there is no master’s degree programme in audiology. It is one of the great opportunity in my life to start as an NHS audiologist at Hearbase, which provides better hearing care for people.

“I would like to provide the best service to every and each of my patients and I am so happy to work with my team here. I believe being an audiologist is wonderful.”

Thilini lives in Folkestone with her family.